Effect of oral booster vaccination of rainbow trout against Yersinia ruckeri depends on type of primary immunization Research, Nora
Understanding cardiac extracellular matrix remodeling to develop biomarkers of myocardial infarction outcomes Research, Nora
Decision support for large-scale remediation strategies by fused urban metabolism and life cycle assessment Research, Nora
Measuring methane emissions from a UK landfill using the tracer dispersion method and the influence of operational and environmental factors Research, Nora
Capital-labour-energy substitution in a nested CES framework: A replication and update of Kemfert (1998) Research, Nora
Constraining the timing of palaeosol development in Iranian arid environments using OSL dating Research, Nora
Co-delivery of resveratrol and docetaxel via polymeric micelles to improve the treatment of drug-resistant tumors Research, Nora
Participation of an Energy Hub in Electricity and Heat Distribution Markets: An MPEC Approach Research, Nora
Geographical expansion of Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the Nordic Seas from 2007 to 2016 was primarily driven by stock size and constrained by low temperatures Research, Nora
Late quaternary OSL chronologies from the Qinghai Lake (NE Tibetan Plateau): Intercomparison of quartz and K-feldspar ages to assess the pre-depositional bleaching Research, Nora
Environmental assessment of Smart City Solutions using a coupled urban metabolism—life cycle impact assessment approach Research, Nora
The nexus between nationally determined contributions and technology needs assessments: a global analysis Research, Nora
An Integrated Market for Electricity and Natural Gas Systems with Stochastic Power Producers Research, Nora
Time-course study of the protection induced by an interferon-inducible DNA vaccine against viral haemorrhagic septicaemia in rainbow trout Research, Nora
Working together: collaborative decision making for sustainable Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) Research, Nora
A call for a paradigm shift: Assumed-to-be premature migrants actually yield good returns Research, Nora
Operational measures to mitigate and reverse the potential modal shifts due to environmental legislation Research, Nora