Comparison of potassium-functionalized Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoparticles annealed in different reactive sulfide atmospheres Research, Nora
Listening through hearing aids affects spatial perception and speech intelligibility in normal-hearing listeners Research, Nora
Developing the business case for adaptation in agriculture: case studies from the Adaptation Mitigation Readiness Project Research, Nora
Analysis of plant performance with improved turbine flexibility: Test case on a parabolic trough configuration Research, Nora
Making hydrochar suitable for agricultural soil: A thermal treatment to remove organic phytotoxic compounds Research, Nora
Terrestrial ecotoxic impacts stemming from emissions of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn from Manure: A spatially differentiated assessment in Europe Research, Nora
Metabolic Engineering and Molecular Tool Development in Yeast for Production of Bulk Chemicals Research, Nora
Mapping Root-Zone Soil Moisture Using a Temperature–Vegetation Triangle Approach with an Unmanned Aerial System: Incorporating Surface Roughness from Structure from Motion Research, Nora
Attributing STEC infections to food sources to inform international food standards: results of an international consultation and evidence synthesis Research, Nora
Modeling the vector-borne disease transmission potential in northern Europe with a special emphasis on microclimatic temperature Research, Nora
Genetic Susceptibility for Childhood BMI has no Impact on Weight Loss Following Lifestyle Intervention in Danish Children : Childhood Obesity Gene Risk: Intervention Outcome Research, Nora