Electron transfer mediated by iron carbonyl clusters enhance light-driven hydrogen evolution in water by quantum dots Research, Nora
Development of a Danish Adapted Healthy Plant-Based Diet Based on the EAT-Lancet Reference Diet Research, Nora
Key Performance Indicators for program scale-up and divergent practice styles: a study from NSW, Australia Research, Nora
Modelling mussel larval distribution in the Limfjord for optimal site selections of mussel farming Research, Nora
Spatial modelling of mussel farm production and nutrient mitigation potential in the W Baltic Sea Research, Nora
Genetic factors and risk of type 2 diabetes among women with a history of gestational diabetes : findings from two independent populations Research, Nora
Trends and clinico-epidemiological features of human rabies cases in Bangladesh 2006-2018 Research, Nora
An interdisciplinary and catchment approach to enhancing urban flood resilience: a Melbourne case Research, Nora
The effect of CO<sub>2</sub> contamination in rechargeable non-aqueous sodium–air batteries Research, Nora
Author Correction: Extreme temperature impairs growth and productivity in a common tropical marine copepod Research, Nora
Working Group on Fisheries Benthic Impact and Trade-offs : (WGFBIT; outputs from 2019 meeting) Research, Nora
Metaphylogenetic analysis of global sewage reveals that bacterial strains associated with human disease show less degree of geographic clustering Research, Nora
Workshop on Challenges, Opportunities, Needs and Successes for Including Human Dimensions in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (WKCONSERVE) Research, Nora
Overall efficiency comparison between the fueling methods of SAEJ2601 using dynamic simulations Research, Nora