Bayesian reconstruction of past land‐cover from pollen data: model robustness and sensitivity to auxiliary variables Research, Nora
Long-Term Exposure to Inflammation Induces Differential Cytokine Patterns and Apoptosis in Dendritic Cells Research, Nora
“Future patient” telerehabilitation for patients with heart failure : Protocol for a randomized controlled trial Research, Nora
Genomic insights into Vibrio cholerae O1 responsible for cholera epidemics in Tanzania between 1993 and 2017 Research, Nora
Assessing buildings’ absolute environmental sustainability performance using LCA focusing on climate change impacts : Paper Research, Nora
A review of advanced air distribution methods - theory, practice, limitations and solutions Research, Nora
Hazards associated with animal feed : Joint FAO/WHO expert meeting FAO headquarters, Rome, Italy 12–15 May 2015 Research, Nora
Acute Influenza A virus outbreak in an enzootic infected sow herd: Impact on viral dynamics, genetic and antigenic variability and effect of maternally derived antibodies and vaccination Research, Nora
Health impact of substituting red meat by fish: addressing variability in risk-benefit assessments Research, Nora
Burden of disease of heavy metals in population clusters: towards targeted public health strategies Research, Nora