Effect of dairy fat on plasma phytanic acid in healthy volunteers - a randomized controlled study Research, Nora
Low diversity of foot-and-mouth disease serotype C virus in Kenya: evidence for probable vaccine strain re-introductions in the field Research, Nora
Seasonal prevalence and incidence of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis and associated diarrhoea in children attending pre-schools in Kafue, Zambia Research, Nora
Independent component and pathway-based analysis of miRNA-regulated gene expression in a model of type 1 diabetes Research, Nora
The determinants of fuel use in the trucking industry – volume, size and the rebound effect Research, Nora
Hypersaline waters - a potential source of foodborne toxigenic aspergilli and penicillia Research, Nora
Effect of the vitamin B12-binding protein haptocorrin present in human milk on a panel of commensal and pathogenic bacteria Research, Nora
The Gut as Reservoir of Antibiotic Resistance: Microbial Diversity of Tetracycline Resistance in Mother and Infant Research, Nora
Prevalence and characterization of human Shigella infections in Henan Province, China, in 2006. Research, Nora
Integrating climate change adaptation in energy planning and decision-making - Key challenges and opportunities Research, Nora
The potential and need for energy saving in standard family detached and semi-detached wooden houses in arctic Greenland Research, Nora
Co-electrolysis of CO<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub>O in solid oxide cells: Performance and durability Research, Nora
How Does Transport Policy Cope with Climate Challenges? Experiences from the UK and Other European Countries Research, Nora
Energy/Reliability Trade-offs in Fault-Tolerant Event-Triggered Distributed Embedded Systems Research, Nora
Cost-effective multiplexing before capture allows screening of 25 000 clinically relevant SNPs in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia Research, Nora
Paradoxical Relationship between Chromosomal Instability and Survival Outcome in Cancer Research, Nora