Development of a life cycle assessment allocation approach for circular economy in the built environment Research, Nora
Design guidelines for circular building components based on LCA and MFA : The case of the circular kitchen Research, Nora
Systematisk arbejde over tid betaler sig : Resultater fra Program for læringsledelse - dagtilbud Research, Nora
På vej mod social mix? Konsekvenser af ufrivillig fraflytning fra udsatte boligområder Research, Nora
Positioning the Urban in the Global Knowledge Economy: Increasing Competitiveness or Inequality in Aarhus, Milan and Vienna Research, Nora
Digital support for an improved circular plastic economy : Outcome of the participatory scenario development workshop Research, Nora
Towards circular life cycle assessment for the built environment : A comparison of allocation approaches Research, Nora
Elevernes oplevelse af De Nationale Test: En spørgeskemaundersøgelse af elever fra strategisk udvalgte folkeskoler i Aalborg Kommune Research, Nora
Hvad siger Bourdieu og Foucault om dyrkelse af sundhedskroppen? : Komparation mellem sociologiske og socialfilosofiske positioner Research, Nora
Where ever I lay my device, that’s my home : Revisiting the concept of domestication in the Age of Mobile Media and Wearable Devices Research, Nora
Comparing the effects of community service and imprisonment on reconviction : results from a quasi-experimental Danish study Research, Nora
Tent-Poles of the Bestseller : How Cross-media Storytelling can spin off a Mainstream Bestseller Research, Nora
From E-learning to Blended Learning : Redesigning Content and Frame in a Capacity-Building Project Research, Nora