”Har I robotter til at male for jer?” : Et fagdidaktisk perspektiv på teknologiforståelses fagfornyende potentiale i billedkunst Research, Nora
Et kvantitativt blik på forældredeltagelse i skolesamarbejdet : Generelle tendenser i forhold til uddannelse, køn og klassetrin Research, Nora
Bio-Crude Production Improvement during Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Biopulp by Simultaneous Application of Alkali Catalysts and Aqueous Phase Recirculation Research, Nora
Bedre indeklima gennem energirenovering : Evaluering af tre energirenoveringer og deres effekt på indeklimaet Research, Nora
Integral Sliding Mode Control for a Marine Growth Removing ROV with Water Jet Disturbance Research, Nora
Cancer risk following residential exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls in indoor air: A Danish register-based study Research, Nora
Better building operation, maintenance, and well-being in apartments with smart indoor climate meters Research, Nora
Encountering the inner face of products: computer repair practice and amateur computer repairers Research, Nora
Can a Serious Game Be Designed to Increase Engagement in a Mandatory Postmodern Novella at Danish Gymnasiums? Research, Nora
Bæredygtighed er også bare ganske almindelig sund fornuft : Analyse af turismevirksomheders holdninger til og arbejde med grøn omstilling på Lolland-Falster Research, Nora
Conservation compatible energy retrofit technologies : Part I: Introduction to the integrated approach for the identification of conservation compatible retrofit materials and solutions in historic buildings Research, Nora
Bæredygtighed i erhvervs- og mødeturismen : Analyse af nationale og internationale holdninger til og arbejde med bæredygtighed i erhvervs- og mødeturismen Research, Nora
Financial mechanisms for innovative social and solidarity economy ecosystems : The case of Quebec Research, Nora