Anti-inflammatory role of GLP-1 and the effect of gastric bypass on diabetes- and obesity-associated inflammation Research, Nora
Development of Methods for Genetic Assessment of Antibiotic Resistance In Animal Herds Research, Nora
Remote sensing estimates of impervious surfaces for hydrological modelling of changes in flood risk during high-intensity rainfall events Research, Nora
A review of sustainable development assessment literature that could be applied to NAMAs Research, Nora
Does the environmental gain of switching to the healthy New Nordic Diet outweigh the increased consumer cost? Research, Nora
Does the Environmental Gain of Switching to the Healthy New Nordic Diet Outweigh the Increased Consumer Cost? Research, Nora
Thrombocytosis portends adverse prognostic significance in patients with stage II colorectal carcinoma Research, Nora
Social LCA Scenarios: Engaging producers and consumers in new domestic oyster value chains in Denmark Research, Nora
EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) and ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), 2014. The European Union Summary Report on Trends and Sources of Zoonoses, Zoonotic Agents and Food-borne Outbreaks in 2012 Research, Nora
Cancer panomics: computational methods and infrastructure for integrative analysis of cancer high-throughput "omics" data : session introduction Research, Nora