A low-density SNP array for analyzing differential selection in freshwater and marine populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Research, Nora
The impact of mass transfer limitations on size distributions of particle associated SVOCs in outdoor and indoor environments Research, Nora
A metacommunity perspective on source-sink dynamics and management: the Baltic Sea as a case study Research, Nora
Insulin aspart pharmacokinetics : An assessment of its variability and underlying mechanisms Research, Nora
The effect of CO<sub>2</sub> controlled bedroom ventilation on sleep and next-day performance Research, Nora
Automatic sleep classification using a data-driven topic model reveals latent sleep states Research, Nora
Data-driven modeling of sleep EEG and EOG reveals characteristics indicative of pre-Parkinson's and Parkinson's disease Research, Nora
Energy Harvesting - Wireless Sensor Networks for Indoors Applications Using IEEE 802.11 Research, Nora
Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production By Surface Modification of p-Gap Photocathodes Research, Nora
How can we avoid the lock-in problem in the substitution of hazardous chemicals used in consumer products? Research, Nora
Load kick-back effects due to activation of demand response in view of distribution grid operation. Research, Nora
Genome-wide association analyses identify variants in developmental genes associated with hypospadias Research, Nora