Marine migrations in anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta). Fjord residency as a possible alternative in the continuum of migration to the open sea Research, Nora
Routes and survival of anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta L. post-smolts during early marine migration through a Danish fjord system Research, Nora
River connectivity reestablished: effects and implications of six weir removals on brown trout smolt migration Research, Nora
Investigating the phenology of seaward migration of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) in two European populations Research, Nora
Local adaptation at the transcriptome level in brown trout: Evidence from early life history temperature genomic reaction norms Research, Nora
30 years of data reveal dramatic increase in abundance of brown trout following the removal of a small hydrodam Research, Nora
Survival and progression rates of anadromous brown trout kelts Salmo trutta during downstream migration in freshwater and at sea Research, Nora