Writers retreat - Sustainable Tectonic Design Project, AAU CREATIVES Andreas Schack Craftmanship, storytelling and passion for the bui...
+3 Chat-GPT - A magnificent tool or a threat to creat... Closed Challenge Bartek Granat AI Engineering Assistant
Estimation of ecosystem respiration and its components by means of stable isotopes and improved closed-chamber methods Research, Nora
The Business Case for Responsible Corporate Adaptation: Strengthening Private Sector and Community Resilience. : A Caring for Climate Report Research, Nora
Soil respiration is stimulated by elevated CO<sub>2</sub> and reduced by summer drought: three years of measurements in a multifactor ecosystem manipulation experiment in a temperate heathland (CLIMAITE) Research, Nora
Data compilation of respiration, feeding, and growth rates of marine pelagic organisms Research, Nora
Shifts in mass-scaling of respiration, feeding, and growth rates across life-form transitions in marine pelagic organisms Research, Nora
Thresholds and interactive effects of soil moisture on the temperature response of soil respiration Research, Nora