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Biostimulation and enhancement of pesticide degradation around water abstraction fields Research, Nora
Leaky Optical Neural Probe for Optical Stimulation and Real Time Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine Exocytosis from Optogenetically Modified Human Neural Stem Cells Research, Nora
Computational Modelling and Optimization of Electric Fields Generated by Transcranial Brain Stimulation Research, Nora
Migration of murine intestinal dendritic cell subsets upon intrinsic and extrinsic TLR3 stimulation Research, Nora
Investigations of FIBCD1: Immunohistochemical localization and immunomodulatory role upon helminth antigen stimulation in colon epithelium Research, Nora
Provoking and minimising potentially destructive binaural stimulation effects in auditory steady-state response (ASSR) measurements Research, Nora
Leaky Optoelectrical Fiber for Optogenetic Stimulation and Electrochemical Detection of Dopamine Exocytosis from Human Dopaminergic Neurons Research, Nora
Mucosal immune response in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) : Host pathogen interactions in relation to beta-glucan stimulation Research, Nora