Biosten som kystsikring Project, Roskilde University Thirdroom Admin University staff, Roskilde University
Digitalisering og de ældre befolkning i Danmark Closed Challenge Raluca Stana Information Systems, Technostress, Qualitative Res...
Quantification of plankton-sized microplastics in a productive coastal Arctic marine ecosystem Research, Nora
Shrinking body sizes in response to warming: explanations for the temperature–size rule with special emphasis on the role of oxygen Research, Nora
Selection for increased male size predicts variation in sexual size dimorphism among fish species Research, Nora
A global synthesis of seasonal temperature-size responses in copepods : Seasonal temperature-size responses in copepods Research, Nora
Observations of the atmospheric boundary layer height under marine upstream flow conditions at a coastal site Research, Nora
Using Remote Sensing Data for Integrating different Renewable Energy Sources at Coastal Site in South Italy Research, Nora