Simultaneous production of hydrogen and ethanol from waste glycerol by Enterobacter aerogenes KKU-S1 Research, Nora
Towards embodied carbon benchmarks for buildings in Europe : #2 Setting the baseline: A bottom-up approach Research, Nora
Towards indicative baseline and decarbonization pathways for embodied life cycle GHG emissions of buildings across Europe Research, Nora
Methodology for systematic analysis and improvement of manufacturing unit process life cycle inventory (UPLCI) CO2PE! initiative (cooperative effort on process emissions in manufacturing). Part 2: case studies Research, Nora
Methodology for systematic analysis and improvement of manufacturing unit process life-cycle inventory (UPLCI)—CO2PE! initiative (cooperative effort on process emissions in manufacturing). Part 1: Methodology description Research, Nora
On site characterisation of the overall heat loss coefficient: comparison of different assessment methods by a blind validation exercise on a round robin test box Research, Nora
Exfoliated MoS<sub>2</sub> nanosheets loaded on bipolar exchange membranes interfaces as advanced catalysts for water dissociation Research, Nora
Climate Change Impacts on Rainfall Extremes and Urban Drainage: a State-of-the-Art Review Research, Nora