TVÆRMEDIALE MEDIEFORMER - med udgangspunkt i Apolo... Closed Challenge Alfred Birkegaard 🎓 PH.D 🚀 CEO at Thirdroom.
Hvordan kan en ejendomsvurdering være objektiv, nå... Closed Challenge Peter Søder Spatial data science
Have Chinese firms learned from their prior technology in-licensing? An analysis based on patent citations Research, Nora
How the reverse supply chain impacts the firm’s financial performance: A manufacturer’s perspective Research, Nora
How many firms benefit from a window of opportunity? Knowledge spillovers, industry characteristics, and catching up in the Chinese biomass power plant industry Research, Nora
Risks for animal health related to the presence of fumonisins, their modified forms and hidden forms in feed Research, Nora
The dual role of local sites in assisting firms with developing technological capabilities: Evidence from China Research, Nora
Microclimatic temperatures of Danish cattle farms: a better understanding of the variation in transmission potential of Schmallenberg virus Research, Nora