The effects of adding group-based lifestyle counselling to individual counselling on changes in plasma glucose levels in a randomized controlled trial: The Inter99 study Research, Nora
The Effect of Dietary Fish Oil in addition to Lifestyle Counselling on Lipid Oxidation and Body Composition in Slightly Overweight Teenage Boys Research, Nora
Interactions between Diet, Lifestyle and IL10, IL1B, and PTGS2/COX-2 Gene Polymorphisms in Relation to Risk of Colorectal Cancer in a Prospective Danish Case-Cohort Study. Research, Nora
Keep on cruising: Changes in lifestyle and driving style among male drivers between the age of 18 and 23 Research, Nora
Residential location choice of knowledge-workers: The role of amenities, workplace and lifestyle Research, Nora
Intercorrelations of lipoprotein subfractions and their covariation with lifestyle factors in healthy men Research, Nora
Effect of salt reduced bread alone or with dietary counselling on 24-hour excretion of sodium, potassium and sodium/potassium ratio Research, Nora