Incentive-Compatibility in a Two-Stage Stochastic Electricity Market with High Wind Power Penetration Research, Nora
Enhanced Wasserstein Distributionally Robust OPF With Dependence Structure and Support Information Research, Nora
Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Chance-Constrained Optimization for Energy and Reserve Dispatch: An Exact and Physically-Bounded Formulation Research, Nora
Performance comparison between metal-organic framework (MOFs) and conventional desiccants (silica gel, zeolite) for a novel high temperature cooling system Research, Nora
Transcriptome profiling of ulcerative colitis mouse model suggests biomarkers and therapeutic targets for human colitis Research, Nora
Differentiating moss from higher plants is critical in studying the carbon cycle of the boreal biome Research, Nora
A conceptual framework for developing the next generation of Marine OBservatories (MOBs) for science and society Research, Nora