Microwave assisted crystalline and morphology evolution of flower-like Fe2O3@ iron doped K-birnessite composite and its application for lithium ion storage Research, Nora
Phenotypic variation in metabolism and morphology correlating with animal swimming activity in the wild: relevance for the OCLTT (oxygen- and capacity-limitation of thermal tolerance), allocation and performance models Research, Nora
Morphology engineering of self-assembled porous zinc manganate hexagons for lithium ion storage Research, Nora
Gingipain R1 and Lipopolysaccharide From Porphyromonas gingivalis Have Major Effects on Blood Clot Morphology and Mechanics Research, Nora
Species composition and diversity of fish larvae in the Subtropical Convergence Zone of the Sargasso Sea from morphology and DNA barcoding Research, Nora
Impact of a short-term exposure to tributyl phosphate on morphology, physiology and migratory behaviour of European eels during the transition from freshwater to the marine environment Research, Nora