Johanne Aarup H... university staff, Roskilde Universit... Interaction designer, design critique, a...
Birdroom construction Project, Roskilde University Thirdroom Admin University staff, Roskilde University
WORKSHOP: ROS-PACK Project, Roskilde University Thirdroom Admin University staff, Roskilde University
Quantifying Atlantic Water Transport to the Nordic Seas by Combined Use of Gravimetry and Altimetry Research, Nora
Toward Improved Estimation of the Dynamic Topography and Ocean Circulation in the High Latitude and Arctic Ocean: The Importance of GOCE Research, Nora
Inter-comparison and evaluation of sea ice algorithms: towards further identification of challenges and optimal approach using passive microwave observations Research, Nora
The legacy of extreme sea levels for the assessment of future coastal flood risk – A review of methods applied in Denmark, Germany and Norway Research, Nora
A surface elevation changes of the Greenland ice sheet from SARAL/AltiKa satellite radar altimeter Research, Nora