+9 Hvordan kan Ontenna forbedre høreoplevelsen? Closed Challenge Mika Yasuoka Jensen Smart City, Avatar, Social Data
+4 STYRER DU TEKNOLOGIEN ELLER STYRER DEN DIG? Closed Challenge Alfred Birkegaard 🎓 PH.D 🚀 CEO at Thirdroom.
Ventilation system type, classroom environmental quality and pupils' perceptions and symptoms Research, Nora
Gender differences in customer expectations and perceptions of corporate social responsibility Research, Nora
Prey perception mechanism determines maximum clearance rates of planktonic copepods : Behavior-dependent clearance rates in planktonic copepods Research, Nora
How can we test plastic pollution perceptions and behavior? A feasibility study with Danish children participating in “the Mass Experiment” Research, Nora
Risk Perceptions and Safety Cultures in the Handling of Nanomaterials in Academia and Industry Research, Nora