Validation of SMOS Brightness Temperatures During the HOBE Airborne Campaign, Western Denmark Research, Nora
Disaggregation of SMOS soil moisture over West Africa using the Temperature and Vegetation Dryness Index based on SEVIRI land surface parameters Research, Nora
Sea Ice and Atmospheric Parameter Retrieval From Satellite Microwave Radiometers: Synergy of AMSR2 and SMOS Compared With the CIMR Candidate Mission Research, Nora
Business group affiliation and SMEs’ international sales intensity and diversification : A multi-country study Research, Nora
Measuring the Readiness of SMEs for Eco-Innovation and Industrial Symbiosis: Development of a Screening Tool Research, Nora
Can pecuniary and environmental incentives via SMS messaging make households adjust their electricity demand to a fluctuating production? Research, Nora