The Crocodile Project, AAU CREATIVES Julie Lütkemeyer Zandersen A Disciplined, Pragmatic and Optimistic Architect
Madras med bevægelsescensor Closed Challenge Janne Bryde Laugesen Educationalist - PhD student - nurse
Towards moisture safe ventilated cold attics - Monitored conditions in a full-scale test building Research, Nora
Demand specifying variables and current ventilation rate requirements with respect to the future use of voc sensing for dcv control Research, Nora
Human Response to Ductless Personalised Ventilation: Impact of Air Movement, Temperature and Cleanness on Eye Symptoms Research, Nora
Interaction matters : a comprehensive analysis and a dataset of hybrid IoT/OT honeypots Research, Nora
Potential of solar control solutions and ventilation for reducing overheating risk in retrofitted Danish apartment buildings from the period 1850-1970. Technical report Research, Nora
Assemblages of Patient Safety : Bringing together matters of concern between design and multiple knowledge practices in healthcare Research, Nora