Johanne Aarup H... university staff, Roskilde Universit... Interaction designer, design critique, a...
Master's Thesis Exhibition 2023 Project, AAU CREATIVES Caroline Berner Nordfalk Artistic, explorative and open-minded
Hygrothermal evaluation of a museum storage building based on actual measurements and simulations Research, Nora
Mapping and understanding the potentials of co-creative efforts in museum experience design processes Research, Nora
Functional Amyloids in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Are Essential for the Proteome Modulation That Leads to Pathoadaptation in Pulmonary Niches Research, Nora
Tre professorer og lektor før stormøde: Skal alle museer fortsat forpligtes på at forske? : Tre professorer og lektor før stormøde: Skal alle museer fortsat forpligtes på at forske? Research, Nora
Museumsinnovation i en corona-tid. : Krise-dreven innovation på museer under Covid-19-pandemien Research, Nora