The Shadow Effect on Surface Biophysical Variables Derived from Remote Sensing : A Review Research, Nora
In the Shadow of the Desire for Orderliness : the Invisible Work of Psychologists to Resolve School Difficulties Research, Nora
Does it feel right? – Emotional and embodied processes as a ‘shadowy epistemology’ in difficult child protection cases Research, Nora
Spawning patterns of shallow-water hake (Merluccius capensis) and deep-water hake (M. paradoxus) in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem inferred from gonadosomatic indices Research, Nora
Hydrogeochemical Impact of CO<sub>2</sub> Leakage from Geological Sequestration on Shallow Potable Aquifers Research, Nora
Imaging subsurface migration of dissolved CO2 in a shallow aquifer using 3-D time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography Research, Nora