The first version of the Thirdroom platform from 2017 was developed together with Roskilde University, at the department of People and Technology. They saw a concrete need for a platform that could facilitate group collaborations and external collaboration, as part of their problem based learning approach.

An office was set up, led first by Alfred and then Katja, together with some of their amazing students Rebecca Busck, Markus Mohr, Jeppe Nielsen, Mikllas Lund and many more. Here the platform's idea and layout were tested for the first time in a set up at RUC called "Open Media Lab".

Together with the senior full stack developer Jens Ahrengot, and the UX designer Mads Hostrup, an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of the platform was created and ready to be tested by the students at HUMTEK.

Animation by Mikllas Lund and voiceover by Daniel Oxenhandler


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