Environmental impact assessment of the incineration of municipal solid waste with auxiliary coal in China Research, Nora
Does predation by grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) affect Bothnian Sea herring stock estimates? Research, Nora
Risk based microbiological criteria for Campylobacter in broiler meat in the European Union Research, Nora
Model Predictive Controller for Active Demand Side Management with PV Self-consumption in an Intelligent Building Research, Nora
Different Optimal Control Strategies for Exploitation of Demand Response in the Smart Grid Research, Nora
Economic assessment of climate adaptation options for urban drainage design in Odense, Denmark Research, Nora
Phaeobacter gallaeciensis Reduces Vibrio anguillarum in Cultures of Microalgae and Rotifers, and Prevents Vibriosis in Cod Larvae Research, Nora
Towards a new approach to natural resources and development: the role of learning, innovation and linkage dynamics Research, Nora
Expression of Innate Immune Response Genes in Liver and Three Types of Adipose Tissue in Cloned Pigs Research, Nora
Aspects of energy intake assessment, dietary intake patterns and sleep duration in children Research, Nora
Impact of climate change on fish population dynamics in the baltic sea: a dynamical downscaling investigation Research, Nora
Analysis of Target Volume Definition Using CT, MRI and FDG-PET in Radiotherapy Treatment Planning of Anal Cancer Research, Nora
Dosimetric- and Geometric Evaluation of Adaptive H&N IMRT Using Deformable Image Registration Research, Nora
Physiology, phenology and behavioural strategies of forage fish : Studied by bioenergetic modeling Research, Nora
District heating (DH) network design and operation toward a system-wide methodology for optimizing renewable energy solutions (SMORES) in Canada: A case study Research, Nora