Monitoring, chemical fate modelling and uncertainty assessment in combination: a tool for evaluating emission control scenarios for micropollutants in stormwater systems Research, Nora
Screening of Aspergillus nidulans metabolites from habitat mimicking media using LC-DAD-TOFMS system Research, Nora
Development of an integrated methodology for the energy needs of a major urban city: The case study of Athens, Greece Research, Nora
Influence of Asellus aquaticus on Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Campylobacter jejuni and naturally occurring heterotrophic bacteria in drinking water Research, Nora
The effect of whole-grain compared to refined wheat on the gut microbial composition and integrity in a colonic epithelial cell model following a 12-week energy-restricted dietary intervention in postmenopausal women Research, Nora
Process simulation of CO<sub>2</sub> capture with aqueous ammonia using the Extended UNIQUAC model Research, Nora
Efficacy of marker vaccine candidate CP7 E2alf in piglets with maternally derived C-strain antibodies Research, Nora
Analysis of viremia and transplacental transmission of field and rescued strains of BTV-2 and BTV-8 following inoculation of pregnant sheep Research, Nora
Campylobacter fetus subspecies: Comparative genomics and prediction of potential virulence targets Research, Nora