Detection of mobile genetic elements associated with antibiotic resistance in Salmonella enterica using a newly developed web tool: MobileElementFinder Research, Nora
The analysis of the glucose-derived metabolites from <i>Shigella </i>and its host cells by <sup>1</sup>H-NMR for resolving the metabolic riddles during the infectious process Research, Nora
Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Advanced Agricultural Waste echnologies and Agricultural Territories Research, Nora
Carbon Neutral CH<sub>4 </sub>production during CO<sub>2</sub> Storage in Permafrost and Marine Environment Research, Nora
Migration of murine intestinal dendritic cell subsets upon intrinsic and extrinsic TLR3 stimulation Research, Nora
Co-creation as a new approach to wind energy development? A systematic literature review Research, Nora
Pilot-scale operation of an aquaporin-based forward osmosis process for polishing municipal wastewater effluents Research, Nora
Leveraging Endogenous Dendritic Cells to Enhance the Therapeutic Efficacy of Adoptive T-Cell Therapy and Checkpoint Blockade Research, Nora
Improving the oxidative stability of guts from cod filleting by antioxidant dipping – a route to better seafood side-stream utilization Research, Nora
Improving the oxidative stability of guts from cod filleting by antioxidant dipping – a route to better seafood side-stream utilization Research, Nora