Vision-based Object Tracking in Marine Environments using Features from Neural Network Detections Research, Nora
A Reinforcement Learning-Based Decision System For Electricity Pricing Plan Selection by Smart Grid End Users Research, Nora
Toenail selenium, plasma selenoprotein P and risk of advanced prostate cancer : A nested case-control study Research, Nora
A "three-in-one" multi-functional probe for Bcl-2/Mcl-1 profiling and visualizing in situ Research, Nora
Effects of maternal high-fat/high sucrose diet on hepatic lipid metabolism in rat offspring Research, Nora
Incremental design of water symbiosis networks with prior knowledge: The case of an industrial park in Kenya Research, Nora
COLREGs-based Situation Awareness for Marine Vessels - a Discrete Event Systems Approach Research, Nora
Optimising the biosynthesis of oxygenated and acetylated Taxol precursors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using advanced bioprocessing strategies Research, Nora
Continuous peripheral perfusion index in patients admitted to hospital wards – an observational study Research, Nora
The missing pieces for better future predictions in subarctic ecosystems : A Torneträsk case study Research, Nora
On the various ways that anadromous salmonids use lake habitats to complete their life history Research, Nora
Shrinking body sizes in response to warming: explanations for the temperature–size rule with special emphasis on the role of oxygen Research, Nora
The Weight of Words: co-analysis of thick ethnographic description and ‘friction’ as methodological strategies in a health policy research partnership. Research, Nora
Multistage Expansion Planning of Integrated Biogas and Electric Power Delivery System Considering the Regional Availability of Biomass Research, Nora
Chance-Constrained Peer-to-Peer Joint Energy and Reserve Market Considering Renewable Generation Uncertainty Research, Nora
Utilizing grass for the biological production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) via green biorefining: Material and energy flows Research, Nora
China’s Remarkable Success in Developing ESCOs: Current Status, Policy Drivers, and Prospects Research, Nora