A simple protocol for preparation of a liposomal vesicle with encapsulated plasmid DNA that mediate high accumulation and reporter gene activity in tumor tissue Research, Nora
Marine Bacteria from Danish Coastal Waters Show Antifouling Activity against the Marine Fouling Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain S91 and Zoospores of the Green Alga Ulva australis Independent of Bacteriocidal Activity Research, Nora
Climate Change Impacts on Flood risk in Urban Areas due to Combined Effects of Extreme Precipitation and Sea Surges Research, Nora
Diffusion of Telecommunications Services in a Complex Socio-Economic Context : A Comparative Diffusion Analysis of the Fixed Line, Mobile and Internet Services in Pakistan Research, Nora
Molecular characterization of serotype Asia-1 foot-and-mouth disease viruses in Pakistan and Afghanistan; emergence of a new genetic Group and evidence for a novel recombinant virus Research, Nora
The effects of adding group-based lifestyle counselling to individual counselling on changes in plasma glucose levels in a randomized controlled trial: The Inter99 study Research, Nora
MULTIPRED2: A computational system for large-scale identification of peptides predicted to bind to HLA supertypes and alleles Research, Nora
Mechanism-based population modelling for assessment of L-cell function based on total GLP-1 response following an oral glucose tolerance test Research, Nora
Past, present, and future design of urban drainage systems with focus on Danish experiences Research, Nora
Life cycle assessment of three water systems in Copenhagen-a management tool of the future. Research, Nora
Assessment of Building Integrated Energy Supply and Energy Saving Schemes on a National Level in Denmark Research, Nora
Power consumption analysis of constant bit rate data transmission over 3G mobile wireless networks Research, Nora
Boundaries matter: Greenhouse gas emission reductions from alternative waste treatment strategies for California’s municipal solid waste Research, Nora