Feeding and growth of the marine heterotrophic nanoflagellates, Procryptobia sorokini and Paraphysomonas imperforata on a bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas sp. with an inducible defence against grazing Research, Nora
Afslutningsrapport for Videreudvikling af PLB-undervisningen i rummet mellem forelæsninger og projektarbejdet Research, Nora
Challenges in Coupling Digital Payments Data and Input-output Data to Change Consumption Patterns Research, Nora
Designers as fans : bottom-up online explorations of new technology concepts as a genre of design fan fictions Research, Nora
Relevance of attributional and consequential information for environmental product labelling Research, Nora
Sharing experiences and the co-creation of knowledge through personal stories – tools for critical thinking : student perspectives Research, Nora
Community Work as Opposition : Tensions and Potentials in a Formalistic Welfare Context Research, Nora
Seasonality in Lipid Content of the Demosponges <i>Halichondria panicea</i> and <i>H. bowerbanki</i> at Two Study Sites in Temperate Danish Waters Research, Nora
Organization of rights and responsibilities in complex 3D real property developments : The relevance of bridging research fields Research, Nora
Neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation and psychiatric medication purchases. Different neighborhood delineations, different results? A nationwide register-based multilevel study Research, Nora
The importance of environmental microbes for Drosophila melanogaster during seasonal macronutrient variability Research, Nora