Significant decrease in yield under future climate conditions: Stability and production of 138 spring barley accessions Research, Nora
Effect of cleaning and disinfection of toys on infectious diseases and micro-organisms in daycare nurseries Research, Nora
A lab-on-a-chip system with integrated sample preparation and loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid and quantitative detection of Salmonella spp. in food samples Research, Nora
Environmental impacts of electricity generation at global, regional and national scales in 1980–2011: What can we learn for future energy planning? Research, Nora
Assessing climate change mitigation technology interventions by international institutions Research, Nora
A 10-day heatwave at flowering superimposed on climate change conditions strongly affects production of 22 barley accessions Research, Nora
Significant reductions in oil quality and lipid content of oilseed rape (<i>Brassica napus</i> L.) under climate change Research, Nora
Gliadin affects glucose homeostasis and intestinal metagenome in C57BL6 mice fed a high-fat diet Research, Nora
GHG sustainability compliance of rapeseed-based biofuels produced in a Danish multi-output biorefinery system Research, Nora
In-house validation of a method for determination of silver nanoparticles in chicken meat based on asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric detection Research, Nora
Non-financial constraints to scaling-up small and medium-sized energy enterprises: Findings from field research in Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania and Zambia Research, Nora
Matrix Organization and Merit Factor Evaluation as a Method to Address the Challenge of Finding a Polymer Material for Roll Coated Polymer Solar Cells Research, Nora
The Critical Choice of PEDOT: PSS Additives for Long Term Stability of Roll‐to‐Roll Processed OPVs Research, Nora
An isoindigo containing donor-acceptor polymer: synthesis and photovoltaic properties of all-solution-processed ITO- and vacuum-free large area roll-coated single junction and tandem solar cells Research, Nora
Potential exposure and treatment efficiency of nanoparticles in water supplies based on wastewater reclamation Research, Nora
The effects of eating marine- or vegetable-fed farmed trout on the human plasma proteome profiles of healthy men Research, Nora