Acquired phototrophy in Mesodinium and Dinophysis – A review of cellular organization, prey selectivity, nutrient uptake and bioenergetics Research, Nora
Prediction of Acquired Antimicrobial Resistance for Multiple Bacterial Species Using Neural Networks Research, Nora
Attributable sources of community-acquired carriage of Escherichia coli containing β-lactam antibiotic resistance genes : a population-based modelling study Research, Nora
Trouble-talk in therapist-resident encounters : A case-study of an individual with acquired brain injury Research, Nora
What are the elements required to improve exposure estimates in life cycle assessments? Research, Nora
Applying the ResFinder and VirulenceFinder web-services for easy identification of acquired antibiotic resistance and E. coli virulence genes in bacteriophage and prophage nucleotide sequences. Research, Nora