Adaptive Algorithms for Active Noise Cancellation Project, Oticon A/S Robert Miklos Senior Audiological Developer
Nye forståelser for samspillet mellem krop, tekno... Closed Challenge Maja Fagerberg Ranten Interaction Designer & PhD in Information Technolo...
Hvordan kan en ejendomsvurdering være objektiv, nå... Closed Challenge Peter Søder Spatial data science
Combustion and exergy analysis of multi-component diesel-DME-methanol blends in HCCI engine Research, Nora
Assessing Global Present‐day Surface Mass Transport and Glacial Isostatic Adjustment from Inversion of Geodetic Observations Research, Nora
Large scale automated phylogenomic analysis of bacterial isolates and the Evergreen Online platform Research, Nora
IEA EBC Annex 80 - Dynamic simulation guideline for the performance testing of resilient cooling strategies Research, Nora
IEA EBC Annex 80 - Dynamic simulation guideline for the performance testing of resilient cooling strategies: Version 2 Research, Nora