Biosten som kystsikring Project, Roskilde University Thirdroom Admin University staff, Roskilde University
Hvordan kan biodiversitet fremmes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Eduardo Abrantes Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies, Artist...
Large Marine Ecosystems and coastal water archetypes implemented in LCIA methods for marine eutrophication and metals ecotoxicity Research, Nora
Deep primary production in coastal pelagic systems : importance for ecosystem functioning Research, Nora
Quantification of plankton-sized microplastics in a productive coastal Arctic marine ecosystem Research, Nora
From nitrogen enrichment to oxygen depletion: a mechanistic model of coastal marine ecosystems response Research, Nora
Assessment of Metal Toxicity in Marine Ecosystems: Comparative Toxicity Potentials for Nine Cationic Metals in Coastal Seawater Research, Nora
D5.10 - Interaction of the tsunami with the seabed. Implications for wind farms, aquaculture, coastal ecosystems and marine protected areas. Research, Nora
Effects of clover density on N2O emissions and plant-soil N transfers in a fertilised upland pasture Research, Nora
Working Group on Comparative Analyses between European Atlantic and Mediterranean marine ecosystems to move towards an Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries (WGCOMEDA) Research, Nora