Johanne Aarup H... university staff, Roskilde Universit... Interaction designer, design critique, a...
Tranquility Project, AAU CREATIVES Julie Lütkemeyer Zandersen A Disciplined, Pragmatic and Optimistic Architect
+2 Ethical Navigation in the AI Revolution: Balancing... Closed Challenge Amir Alamo Computer Scientist
Hvad er filosofi? Velkommen til ROSKILDE UNIVERSIT... Closed Challenge Alfred Birkegaard 🎓 PH.D 🚀 CEO at Thirdroom.
+3 Chat-GPT - A magnificent tool or a threat to creat... Closed Challenge Bartek Granat AI Engineering Assistant
Multiple regression models for the prediction of the maximum obtainable thermal efficiency of organic Rankine cycles Research, Nora
Storage in Thermal Building Mass : Utilizing thermal building mass for storage in district heating systems Research, Nora
Prey perception mechanism determines maximum clearance rates of planktonic copepods : Behavior-dependent clearance rates in planktonic copepods Research, Nora
The maximum theoretical performance of unconcentrated solar photovoltaic and thermoelectric generator systems Research, Nora
Cortical N-acetyl aspartate is a predictor of long-term clinical disability in multiple sclerosis Research, Nora
Designing water supplies: Optimizing drinking water composition for maximum economic benefit Research, Nora
Maximum-Entropy Models of Sequenced Immune Repertoires Predict Antigen-Antibody Affinity Research, Nora