Hvordan vinder man et valg med kunstig intelligens... Closed Challenge Jens Ulrik Hansen Artificial intelligence and Data Science
Kan kunstig intelligens fortælle os hvornår vi dør... Closed Challenge Jens Ulrik Hansen Artificial intelligence and Data Science
GEROS-ISS: GNSS REflectometry, Radio Occultation and Scatterometry onboard the International Space Station Research, Nora
Bending Angle and Temperature Climatologies from Global Positioning System Radio Occultations Research, Nora
Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere structure during convective systems using GPS radio occultations Research, Nora
Measurements of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere during tropical cyclones using the GPS radio occultation technique Research, Nora
Production and utilization of unconventional radiometals for advanced diagnostics and therapy Research, Nora
Planning and Evaluation of Radio-Therapeutic Treatment of Head-and-Neck Cancer Using PET/CT scanning Research, Nora