Hvordan kan biodiversitet fremmes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Eduardo Abrantes Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies, Artist...
Processing of humic-rich riverine dissolved organic matter by estuarine bacteria: effects of predegradation and inorganic nutrients Research, Nora
Interacting temperature, nutrients and zooplankton grazing control phytoplankton size-abundance relationships in eight Swiss lakes Research, Nora
Composition and leaching of construction and demolition waste: Inorganic elements and organic compounds Research, Nora
Nutrient composition of important fish species in Bangladesh and potential contribution to recommended nutrient intakes Research, Nora
Linking ecological health to co-occurring organic and inorganic chemical stressors in a groundwater-fed stream system Research, Nora
Dietary Nutrients, Proteomes, and Adhesion of Probiotic Lactobacilli to Mucin and Host Epithelial Cells Research, Nora