Madras med bevægelsescensor Closed Challenge Janne Bryde Laugesen Educationalist - PhD student - nurse
Hvordan kan en ejendomsvurdering være objektiv, nå... Closed Challenge Peter Søder Spatial data science
“Future patient” telerehabilitation for patients with heart failure : Protocol for a randomized controlled trial Research, Nora
First Clinical Investigations of New Ultrasound Techniques in Three Patient Groups: Patients with Liver Tumors, Arteriovenous Fistulas, and Arteriosclerotic Femoral Arteries Research, Nora
Patient stratification and identification of adverse event correlations in the space of 1190 drug related adverse events. Research, Nora
Genotype-Property Patient-Phenotype Relations Suggest that Proteome Exhaustion Can Cause Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research, Nora
Assemblages of Patient Safety : Bringing together matters of concern between design and multiple knowledge practices in healthcare Research, Nora
Wearable Computing Technology for Assessment of Cognitive Functioning of Bipolar Patients and Healthy Controls Research, Nora
Perioperative changes in cell‑free DNA for patients undergoing surgery for colon cancer Research, Nora
HLArestrictor-a tool for patient-specific predictions of HLA restriction elements and optimal epitopes within peptides Research, Nora