Adaptive Algorithms for Active Noise Cancellation Project, Oticon A/S Robert Miklos Senior Audiological Developer
Hvordan kan technostress mindskes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Raluca Stana Information Systems, Technostress, Qualitative Res...
The efficacy of CP7_E2alf: an animal study involving piglets from C–strain vaccinated sows Research, Nora
Global analysis of fish growth rates shows weaker responses to temperature than metabolic predictions Research, Nora
Host genetics and the rumen microbiome jointly associate with methane emissions in dairy cows Research, Nora
Experimental inoculation of calves with atypical Hobi-like pestivirus shows pattern similar to BVDV-1 Research, Nora
In vivo imaging of the buccal mucosa shows loss of the endothelial glycocalyx and perivascular hemorrhages in pediatric Plasmodium falciparum malaria Research, Nora
Characterization of the long-term immune response to vaccination against Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in Danish dairy cows Research, Nora
Limited impact of influenza A virus vaccination of piglets in an enzootic infected sow herd Research, Nora