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COST Action 'ImpARAS' : What have we learnt to improve food allergy risk assessment. A summary of a 4 year networking consortium Research, Nora
Approaches to assess IgE mediated allergy risks (sensitization and cross-reactivity) from new or modified dietary proteins Research, Nora
Identification of observables for future grids – the framework developed in the ELECTRA project Research, Nora
Scientific opinion on flavouring group evaluation 77, revision 3 (FGE.77Rev3): consideration of pyridine, pyrrole and quinoline derivatives evaluated by JECFA (63rd meeting) structurally related to pyridine, pyrrole, indole and quinoline derivatives evaluated by EFSA in FGE.24Rev2 Research, Nora
Scientific Opinion of Flavouring Group Evaluation 407 (FGE.407): 4‐amino‐5‐(3‐(isopropylamino)‐2,2‐dimethyl‐3‐oxopropoxy)‐2‐methylquinoline‐3‐carboxylic acid Research, Nora
Integrating commercial fisheries and scientific survey data: Advances, new tools and applications to model the fish and fishery dynamics Research, Nora
Nanotechnology and human health: Scientific evidence and risk governance : Report of the WHO expert meeting 10–11 December 2012, Bonn, Germany Research, Nora