Hvordan kan biodiversitet fremmes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Eduardo Abrantes Philosophy, Science and Technology Studies, Artist...
Gross Primary Productivity of Four European Ecosystems Constrained by Joint CO<sub>2</sub> and COS Flux Measurements Research, Nora
Above‐ground woody carbon sequestration measured from tree rings is coherent with net ecosystem productivity at five eddy‐covariance sites Research, Nora
Effects of clover density on N2O emissions and plant-soil N transfers in a fertilised upland pasture Research, Nora
Working conditions, health and productivity among dentists in Swedish public dental care - a prospective study during a 5-year period of rationalisation Research, Nora
Environmental sustainability and water productivity on conservation tillage of irrigated maize in red brown terrace soil of Bangladesh Research, Nora
Working Group on Comparative Analyses between European Atlantic and Mediterranean marine ecosystems to move towards an Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries (WGCOMEDA) Research, Nora