From global goal to local development policy : How partnerships as a policy idea changes through policy translation Research, Nora
Translating One Health knowledge across different institutional and political contexts in Europe Research, Nora
Welcoming the unwelcome : Migration industries and border control for homeless job-seeking migrants in central Copenhagen Research, Nora
Social experiments and students narratives as pedagogical praxis when transitioning from school to work : Socially vulnerable youths' perspectives on the transition from school to qualifying education or work Research, Nora
Designing and leading collaborative urban climate governance : Comparative experiences of co-creation from Copenhagen and Oslo Research, Nora
Perioperative changes in cell‑free DNA for patients undergoing surgery for colon cancer Research, Nora
Maritime Cybersecurity in the South Baltic Sea : State-of-play, scenarios and roadmap. SECMAR Research report 2021 Research, Nora
Copenhagen’s Struggle to Become the World’s First Carbon Neutral Capital : How Corporatist Power Beats Sustainability Research, Nora
At udvikle normkritisk evalueringskultur i dagtilbud : En interventionsetnografisk analyse af muligheder og udfordringer. Delrapport 3 Research, Nora
Normkritisk evalueringskultur i dagtilbud - muligheder, udfordringer og anbefalinger : Delrapport 5 Research, Nora
“We are too old to learn new things” : - eHealth literacy and empowerment? A qualitative study of app testing among AMD patients Research, Nora
Identifying Challenges and Drivers for Deployment of Centralized Biogas Plants in Denmark Research, Nora
How effective are punitive tariffs? : An evaluation of attempts to reduce trade dependency on China in solar panels Research, Nora
Mellem nærhed og specialisering : En samskabt kritisk-refleksiv analyse af dialog og magt i lægers tværsektorielle samarbejde om tidlig diagnostik Research, Nora