Machine Learning in General Practice: Scoping Review of Administrative Task Support and Automation Research, Nora
Full-scale activated sludge transplantation reveals a highly resilient community structure Research, Nora
Multi-Participant Operation Optimization for Charging Systems with Orderly Charging and Cooperative Game Strategies Considering Carbon Capture and Un-certainties Research, Nora
Sektorkobling via Energifællesskaber: Værdi-Sensitivt Design i Energifællesskab Avedøre (Forskningsnotat) Research, Nora
An Empirical Analysis of Multi-Connectivity between 5G Terrestrial and LEO Satellite Networks Research, Nora
Generation and Analysis of Typical meteorological years for future weather data and the heatwave detection in Copenhagen Research, Nora
Exploring the effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on urban cooling : A tale of three cities Research, Nora
Which employers have refugee employees - and which do not? Employer typologies developed through hierarchical cluster analyses Research, Nora
A Fast Impedance Measurement Method for Lithium-ion Battery Using Power Spectrum Property Research, Nora
Capacitor Condition Monitoring for Modular Multilevel Converter Based on Charging Transient Voltage Analysis Research, Nora
A methodology to estimate space heating and domestic hot water energy demand profile in residential buildings from low-resolution heat meter data Research, Nora
Self-compassion and satisfaction with life in Danish adolescents with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): `We are all in the same boat´ Research, Nora
Microbial communities and metabolic pathways involved in reductive decolorization of an azo dye in a two-stage AD system Research, Nora
IoT Enabled Multi-Energy Systems : From Isolated Energy Grids to Modern Interconnected Networks Research, Nora
Targeted hydrolysis of native potato protein: A novel workflow for obtaining hydrolysates with improved interfacial properties Research, Nora
Development of ceramic membranes for resource recovery from brine through percrystallization Research, Nora