Towards embodied carbon benchmarks for buildings in Europe : #3 Defining budget-based targets: A top-down approach (updated version 1.1) Research, Nora
The Nordic Model and the Educational Welfare State in a European Light : Social Problem Solving and Secular-Religious Ambitions when Modernizing Sweden and France Research, Nora
The politics of insufficiency : ambivalence and boundary work in the co-production of welfare services Research, Nora
The impact of stress and life style factors on short-term sickness absence in a large Danish industrial company Research, Nora
Mapping the importance of specific physical elements in urban space for blind and visually impaired people Research, Nora
Cross-infection risk between two people in different temperature surroundings studied by aerosol dynamics Research, Nora
Unequal? A Field Experiment of Recruitment Practises Towards Wheelchair Users in Denmark Research, Nora
Sammenhængen mellem tryghed og trivsel, chanceulighed og organisering i de boligsociale helhedsplaner : Evaluering af Landsbyggefondens boligsociale indsatser finansieret under 2015-2018-midlerne Research, Nora
Gender in Nordic Blue Economies : Initial networking results and future academic research Research, Nora
What you want, you will (maybe) get: Wish list for the new government's circular economy strategy Research, Nora