Biosten som kystsikring Project, Roskilde University Thirdroom Admin University staff, Roskilde University
The Crocodile Project, AAU CREATIVES Julie Lütkemeyer Zandersen A Disciplined, Pragmatic and Optimistic Architect
Læringspåvirkning: ChatGPT og lignende værktøjer Closed Challenge Morten Hertzum University staff, Roskilde University (RUC)
Optimization of bioethanol production from carbohydrate rich wastes by extreme thermophilic microorganisms Research, Nora
Bioethanol production by inherent enzymes from rye and wheat with addition of organic farming cheese whey Research, Nora
Microwave pretreatment of rape straw for bioethanol production: Focus on energy efficiency Research, Nora
Cyanobacterial biomass as carbohydrate and nutrient feedstock for bioethanol production by yeast fermentation Research, Nora
Pretreatment of the macroalgae Chaetomorpha linum for the production of bioethanol - Comparison of five pretreatment technologies Research, Nora
Thermodynamic and economic analysis of integrating lignocellulosic bioethanol production in a Danish combined heat and power unit Research, Nora
An integral analysis for second generation bioethanol production via a dynamic model-based simulation approach: stochastic nonlinear optimisation Research, Nora