+9 Hvordan kan Ontenna forbedre høreoplevelsen? Closed Challenge Mika Yasuoka Jensen Smart City, Avatar, Social Data
Hvordan kan technostress mindskes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Raluca Stana Information Systems, Technostress, Qualitative Res...
Validating a centralized approach to primary frequency control with series-produced electric vehicles Research, Nora
Effects of centralized and local PV plant control for voltage regulation in LV feeder based on cyber-physical simulations Research, Nora
Fast and Reliable Primary Frequency Reserves From Refrigerators with Decentralized Stochastic Control Research, Nora
Identifying Challenges and Drivers for Deployment of Centralized Biogas Plants in Denmark Research, Nora
Optimization of China's centralized domestic hot water system by applying Danish elements Research, Nora
Alternatives for Primary Frequency Control Contribution from Wind Power Plants Connected to VSC-HVDC Intertie Research, Nora