Residential segregation in European cities Project Asha Sri Nissanka Research coordinator, Grants writer and student me...
+1 Digitalisering af ældreomsorgen Closed Challenge Nete Schwennesen Sociologist, ethnographer, healthcare
+9 Hvordan kan Ontenna forbedre høreoplevelsen? Closed Challenge Mika Yasuoka Jensen Smart City, Avatar, Social Data
Frihed til at kunne transportere sig Closed Challenge Janne Bryde Laugesen Educationalist - PhD student - nurse
Hvordan kan technostress mindskes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Raluca Stana Information Systems, Technostress, Qualitative Res...
Public involvement in the planning, development and implementation of community health services : A scoping review of public involvement methods Research, Nora
User Involvement in Psychiatry : Professional knowledge, responsability and relational work in transformation Research, Nora
Business as usual? : Inequalities in patient and public involvement in health research Research, Nora
Analysing the potential of citizen-financed community renewable energy to drive Europe's low-carbon energy transition Research, Nora
No evidence of enteric viral involvement in the new neonatal porcine diarrhoea syndrome in Danish pigs Research, Nora
Involvement of a Natural Fusion of a Cytochrome P450 and a Hydrolase in Mycophenolic Acid Biosynthesis Research, Nora
Involvement of two microRNAs in the early immune response to DNA vaccination against a fish rhabdovirus Research, Nora
Building consensus for a citizen-driven Energy Union: understanding energy choice dynamics and their impact on energy governance in the EU : Report No ECHOES 7.1 – D7.1 Knowledge Consolidation Research, Nora