Master's Thesis Exhibition 2023 Project, AAU CREATIVES Caroline Berner Nordfalk Artistic, explorative and open-minded
The Crocodile Project, AAU CREATIVES Julie Lütkemeyer Zandersen A Disciplined, Pragmatic and Optimistic Architect
+9 Hvordan kan Ontenna forbedre høreoplevelsen? Closed Challenge Mika Yasuoka Jensen Smart City, Avatar, Social Data
Hvordan kan technostress mindskes gennem designstr... Closed Challenge Raluca Stana Information Systems, Technostress, Qualitative Res...
Islanding Control Architecture in future smart grid with both demand and wind turbine control Research, Nora
Alternatives for Primary Frequency Control Contribution from Wind Power Plants Connected to VSC-HVDC Intertie Research, Nora
Investigating Deep Learning Architectures towards Autonomous Inspection for Marine Classification Research, Nora