Inger Berling H... university staff, Roskilde Universit... Educator, Librarian and passionate about...
Residential segregation in European cities Project Asha Sri Nissanka Research coordinator, Grants writer and student me...
Hvordan kan en ejendomsvurdering være objektiv, nå... Closed Challenge Peter Søder Spatial data science
Life cycle assessments of aquaculture systems: a critical review of reported findings with recommendations for policy and system development Research, Nora
Funding research in universities: do government resources act as a complement or substitute to industry funding? Research, Nora
From global goal to local development policy : How partnerships as a policy idea changes through policy translation Research, Nora
Accessing International Funding for Climate Change Adaptation : A Guidebook for Developing Countries Research, Nora
Perceiving the algae: How feeding-current feeding copepods detect their nonmotile prey : Prey Detection in Copepods Research, Nora